The do’s and don’ts of social media


There are many benefits of using social media for an SME, but there are also some key “rules” to learn!

There are 7 main benefits –

  1. Giving you the option to be a leader in your chosen field
  2. Build a Network
  3. Personal Engagement
  4. Customer Service
  5. Lead Conversion and Advocacy
  6. Reduce Costs
  7. Insights

Then the Do’s & Don’t are:

  1. DO share your story – what make you and your business unique / stand out
  2. DO create an emotional connection
  3. DO identify and focus on relevant social media channels
  4. DO fully complete and optimise your social media account bios
  5. DO Integrate email, website and social media


  1. DON’T focus on how many like a page
  2. DON’T forget to include your branding – logo, colours, fonts in social media posts
  3. DON’T ignore social advertising
  4. DON’T overtly sell
  5. DON’T forget to have fun with your social media

For more information, check out this video from social media strategy and marketing expert Janet Bebb:

If you have an accountant, they should be your first stop for business advice. If you don’t have an accountant or they can’t help, BuBul has a wide range of experts available. For more advice on social media strategy you can contact our expert* Janet on LinkedIn.

*We’ve picked experts we know and trust who are good at what they do. All of them will give you at least an extra 30 minutes free advice if you contact them and would then charge their normal prices. They don’t pay to be on BuBul and don’t give us any money from anything they earn as an expert.