When you are setting up a new business there are dozens of different jobs to do, and like many others, you might be tempted to try doing everything for yourself. However, unless you have a superhuman skillset and unlimited time on your hands, this is not a good plan!
Preparing the written content (or ‘copy’) for tools such as your website, brochures, leaflets, letters, press releases, or case studies will certainly be on your list. And since you probably learned to write at school, that job will be easy?
Well, probably not. We learn many skills at school, but how many of us are brilliant designers, or athletes, or accountants? Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that if you are not a skilled copywriter, you should find one.
Here are just five top reasons why…
You know too much!
It’s really hard to write objectively about your own business. After all, you created it from scratch, every detail is important to you and you want to let everyone know all about it…Sadly, your prospects and customers will not care too much. They just want to find out why they should choose you rather than your competitors. They want evidence that you’re the professional and credible answer to their problems.As efficient and objective researchers, good copywriters quickly uncover what matters to your particular audience. Then they create compelling content that works hard for your business.
Poor copy is a big risk
No matter what the communication tools – from websites and emailers to newsletters and brochures, poor quality business copy is a risk not only to profits but to reputations, too.
When content is confusing, boring, wordy or littered with errors, it tells readers: ‘This company believes that ‘substandard’ is good enough.’ Ouch!
Copywriters master the subtlety and power of language
Hire a professional copywriter and you will have clear, concise and correct copy. The tone and style will reflect your brand perfectly, and whether you need to inspire, enthuse, persuade, educate or sell, your content will be fresh, original and skilfully crafted to do exactly what you want.
Copywriters save you time and stress:
Face it, for most people, writing about their business is a chore that is repeatedly pushed down the ‘To Do’ list. It takes time, effort and – very often – a whole lot of frustration and stress when the words in your head simply do not work on the page. Many people spend costly weeks writing and rewriting content that ends up in the bin. Hand the job to a copywriter and your ideal copy can appear on your screen in days.
Professional copy delivers results
People worry that copywriting costs money. Of course, that is true – but the primary aim of great content is to deliver the results you want. More enquiries… More sign-ups… More sales… Greater profitability… Whatever outcomes YOU want, professionally crafted copy will help make sure you achieve them – so high quality content pays for itself over and over again.
If you have an accountant, they should be your first stop for business advice. If you don’t have an accountant or they can’t help, BuBul has a wide range of experts available. For more help and advice on copywriting, contact our expert* Louise on LinkedIn, visit Wordsmiths UnLimited aor call her on 07921 543898.
*We’ve picked experts we know and trust who are good at what they do. All of them will give you at least an extra 30 minutes free advice if you contact them and would then charge their normal prices. They don’t pay to be on BuBul and don’t give us any money from anything they earn as an expert.
Louise Turnerhello@awardswriters.com Business Awards Expert Louise is our expert at helping businesses win awards. From researching what awards to enter to writing your winning entry, she is there to guide and support you all the way - and over 90% of the entries she writes get shortlisted. Her clients range from SMEs to international giants!07921 543898