Up this week is Jonathan Scott, digital marketing supremo and sales director at Northern Media who gets a kick from helping young businesses grow and has his own kicking ambitions linked to the number 9 and Newcastle United. Find out more about what gets him up in the morning
BuBul and business
Having worked in marketing for over 20 years, I get a kick from using my knowledge and experience to help young businesses grow and thrive
Shy bairns get nowt (that was from my Dad)
Quite a recent one actually, from Mark McClennan from Monster Mesh. He largely attributes his growth and success to the SEO & PPC campaigns we were running
Giving young people a work environment that helps them learn, grow and be happy.
The personal stuff
Bobby Robson, Seb Coe, Madonna, Freddie Mercury and Billy Connolly
Football, Athletics, Music and Comedy!
Anyone who bullies
Playing number 9 for Newcastle United
Work in the office
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